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breathing techniques for running

Breathing Techniques For Running

Breathing is a problem many runners have to tackle, especially if you’re a new runner. The oxygen that gets carried to your muscles is crucial; without it you simply cannot perform well. Athletes have found that inefficient breathing can lead to pain, cramps, side stitches and even injuries. Since taking the time to heal means missing out on practice or valuable running time, check out these breathing techniques for running.

#1 Deep Breathing

One thing to remember when you’re running is to breathe deeply. Your body is working hard so it will need the extra oxygen. It’s when your body is deprived of oxygen that the problems begin to arise. Use “belly breathing” to better gage how deep your breathing is. Breathe deeply and focus on expanding your lower abdominal muscles. When you breathe correctly, your lower abdomen should expand, not your chest.

#2 Syncopate Your Breathing With Your Strides

When you can match up your breathing with your strides, then you’re running at a good pace. The faster you’re moving, the more air you need to take in and the deeper the breath you need to take. This is an excellent guide for someone who is new to breathing techniques for running.

#3 Use Your Mouth to Breathe

Your mouth is far bigger than your nostrils, which means it can take in more air easier. Keeping your mouth open to breathe will help you increase your oxygen intake. As an added bonus, opening your mouth will relax your facial muscles, which will in turn make it easier to breathe through your mouth as you run.

#4 Use Patterns to Space Out Breaths

While it’s good to start off with matching your footfalls to your breathing, you can use patterns of breathing in order to develop strength in your diaphragms. Begin by breathing in as you step left then right; and then exhale as you step left then right. Once you’ve mastered this you can move on to inhaling as you step left, right, left and exhaling as you step right, left, right. This pattern can continue to expand as you work on your breathing.

#5 Sort out Medical Issues

Some athletes try to work on their breathing and no matter what they do, they find that they are still short of breath when they run. It’s always a good idea to check in with your doctor and make sure that there are no medical issues at play. There are times when conditions such as asthma or allergies can really take a toll on someone who is trying to improve their running pace. No matter how skillful or fast you are at running, there are always ways to improve. Breathing techniques for running can take you a long way, but if you want that extra boost then OS1st’s performance sleeves are a great option. Compression sleeves will help oxygen get to your blood so that you can focus on what really matters. If you have any questions or would like to purchase a compression sleeve, contact OS1st today!