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Lady using a foam roller to relieve muscles

How To Properly Foam Roll

If you are active, have been active, or just enjoy a good massage/stretch, this blog is for you. Foam rollers have been around since the 1920’s and really started to take off in the 90’s.They are an effective tool that many athletes use to help loosen up their muscles. Most of the time they are used to help with recovery in between workouts. The unique thing about the foam roller is that they cost less than most other massage options, and they work on almost every part of your body.

Foam Roller Color and Hardness

Foam rollers come in all different colors and designs. In some instances, you do have to be careful of what colors you pick because some brand's color codes are based off of hardness. The hardness of a foam roller is really how much it will “give” when you push on it. If you are looking to really get into your muscle tissue you might want to choose the hardest option. If you are just wanting to loosen you muscles up a little bit, then a softer option would work.

Foam Roller Length

Just like with colors, there are different sizes of foam rollers. They range from 4 to 36 inches long to offer various lengths that can reach different muscle groups easier. For example, the longer foam rollers would work better on the bigger muscle groups such as the legs or the back. The smaller foam rollers are better on the smaller muscle groups like your triceps, forearms, or lats.

Is There a Wrong Way to Foam Roll?

For the most part, foam rolling does not have many limitations, except for the lower back and the IT Band. You should avoid your lower back when you are foam rolling because of the arc in the low back. The low back is made vulnerable when foam rolling because it is hard to control the tension that the roller is providing to the low back. In most cases foam rolling the low back can cause pain to worsen. The IT Band is another area that should not be addressed with a foam roller. Studies have shown that this does not relieve the pain nor tension in the IT Band but makes it worse since that area of the body cannot relax. Instead, rolling out your IT Band will increase the overall tightness and pain.

How to Foam Roll Back

• Step 1- Place the foam roller on the floor.
• Step 2- lay on the foam roller to where the middle part of your back is resting on the roller.
• Step 3- Use your feet to rock your body back and forth so that the foam roller can move up and down your back.
• Step 4- Roll out your back for 1-2 mins.

How to Foam Roll Quad Muscle

• Step 1- Place the foam roller on the floor.
• Step 2- Lay on the foam roller face down so that the top of your thigh is resting on the roller.
• Step 3- Put the opposite foot out in front of your body for balance and support while rolling.
• Step 4- Rock your body back and forth on the roller so that the foam roller can move up and down the quad muscle.
• Step 5- After 30 seconds on one leg, switch and do 30 seconds on the other.

How to Foam Roll Hamstrings

• Step 1- Place the foam roller on the floor
• Step 2- Sit on the ground and place the foam roller under one of your legs.
• Step 3- Use your hands to rock your body back and forth so that the foam roller can move up and down the hamstring.
• Step 4- Do this for 30 seconds and then switch to the other leg.

How to Foam Roll Calf Muscles

• Step 1- Place the foam roller on the floor.
• Step 2- Sit on the ground and place the foam roller under one of your calves
• Step 3- Use your hands to rock back and forth so that the foam roller can move up and down the calf muscle
• Step 4- Do this for 30 seconds and then switch to the other leg.


Foam rolling may be the tool that you are missing in your daily routine. It provides relief to muscle stiffness and tightness, which allows you to be ready for your next workout. They come in all different shapes and sizes which makes them versatile and easy to use. To make the Foam roller even better, they are relatively cheap and will last a long time if they are properly cared for. Is it time for you to enjoy the benefits of a new foam roller?
