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Clifford Chu

About Clifford: 

I learned to play pickleball about 7 years ago down in the villages, FL.  I come from a tennis background, playing at a high level as a youth.  I came into the sport as a 3.0, and have steadily progressed to my current status of 4.5 (mixed / mens) and 4.0 in singles.  I play in at least 10 tournaments a year, and also do a lot of teaching.

Special Career Highlights:

IPTPA Level 2 certified, PPR Certified, ONIX Sponsored player, teaching kids to play pickleball, particularly, my 3 relatively new students that are ages 6 and 7.  also teaching various players who never played before to 4.0+ rankings.  Also teaching elderly people to help them stay active.

Favorite quote:

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples. -Mother Teresa

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, ‘I'm possible!' -Audrey Hepburn

Favorite product(s):

The pickleball sock is absolutely amazing!!! AS6 performance sleeve is always great...helping me stay out of muscle fatigue, and also provides me with great sun protection.

KS7 knee sleeve helps my knee stabilize and keeps it compressed as well

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