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Duane Zitta


ABOUT ME: I was born in Michigan in a town just north of Detroit where I spent all of my childhood.  September 11th attacks happened while I was attending college, I felt compelled to do something so I left college and joined the Coast Guard (yes I still graduated).  I have served my country proudly over the last 15 years in the United States Coast Guard.  Endurance sports have always been an outlet for me and something I enjoy very much.  Combining my passion for challenges and giving back to my fellow service members families who made the ultimate sacrifice is my drive.  I compete in a myriad of endurance events throughout the year raising money for the Coast Guard Foundation-Fallen Heroes Fund.  As a father and husband it is also greatly important to me to inspire my family and show them they can do anything in life, they are my biggest fans!

CAREER RUNNING HIGHLIGHTS: Competing in the HURT Trail Series this year is the highlight of my running career, it the most challenging and fun I have ever had running by far.   I have competed across disciplines of running, swimming, and biking.  Most recent notable podiums include KEYS 100, Swim Around Key West 12.5 Mile Swim, Key West Triathlon. (Key West was a good tour for me).


WHY TEAM OS1st: One of your current team athletes referred me to your products (Sergio Florian) we both run the HURT Trail Series locally here in Hawaii.  I have always worn compression as it helps hold my old bones together!  I have worn every brand on the market several times over and OS1st has been the first to offer so many different options to keep soreness to a minimum.  The socks with targeting compression are very unique and effective.

FAVORITE QUOTE: “Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way.”-George S. Patton Jr
