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Gabriel Ortega

Gabriel Ortega Team OS1st

I am a road runner, trail runner, & CrossFit athlete. Born and raised in Los Angeles, Ca. I began running in high school as part of the annual fitness exams. After high school I joined the US Marines where running was a regular part of our fitness regime. My military service lasted for over five years and included a tour of duty in Kuwait and Iraq during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom in 2003.

After active duty in the Marines, I returned home to work in the civilian sector and go to college. I graduated from California State University Los Angeles with a BA in Sociology & Law.

I continued to run as part of my physical fitness regime but never raced competitively. It wasn’t until I began training for a GoRuck Challenge with a friend that I discovered local races and running crews in Los Angeles. Since 2016 I’ve been highly involved in the LA running community. I’ve served as an ambassador for several race productions as well as being the West Coast representative for Latinos Run, an organization that encourages running within the Latin community worldwide.

I’m a full time dad to a wonderful daughter and in my spare time, I coach CrossFit classes at Highland Park CrossFit. CrossFit allows me to utilize all of my physical fitness and not just focus on running. I find that the functional fitness keeps me conditioned year round and ready to compete in races that range from marathons to trails and even obstacle course challenges. It’s been a game changer for me personally and has allowed me to grow as an individual who can help others in the community I grew up in.



Some of my running highlights would have to include the marathons I’ve completed. I’ve been fortunate to race in my city’s marathon, the Los Angeles Marathon as well as the New York City Marathon and Rock n Roll Las Vegas Marathon. Completing the NYC Marathon and Las Vegas Marathon were especially grueling because I ran them one week apart from each other.


Each year that I’ve run the Los Angeles Marathon, the CrossFit Open is also taking place. The Open is the annual CrossFit competition that takes place over 5 weeks and tests athletes in all manner of fitness. The week that includes the LA Marathon and one of the CrossFit Open workouts is definitely a tough one.

I’m very proud of the contributions I make to my community in organizing runs, leading runs, and helping people connect to each other. I’ve been able to coach runners to their first marathon as well as instruct people in doing their first pull-up. Overall, it’s wonderful to see that sense of pride & accomplishment in others and know that you had a role in helping them.

Gabriel Ortega
 WHY TEAM OS1st:  

I came across OS1st while buying new running socks at my local running store. I saw that OS1st made compression socks that’s aided in preventing Plantar Fasciitis pain.


I’m a strong believer that running has to start from the ground up with your feet.  If you don’t have the right socks and shoes, then you put yourself at risk for injury in your claves, shins, knees, hips, &  back. Everything connects and has to work together properly in order to effectively run.


Pain is often times part of the package when running over long distances. Anything one can add to help alleviate that pain can really be a difference maker. So for me, OS1st makes the products that runners can rely on to stave off injury and help extend their running journey.



“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” -Mark Twain.
