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How to crush your next virtual race

As large gatherings are canceled including big races like the Boston Marathon, more runners are turning to virtual events in order to stay motivated and connected. Here’s a quick list to help you through your next virtual event.

Running stretches and safety

Even though the race looks different, your training should be the same. Continue all the prep and recovery you would plan for any other race day. This includes maintaining the proper diet and prepping for race-day nutrition. Make sure you are stretching and conditioning properly in order to prevent injuries

Online running community building

Join in on community forums, look through the race hashtag, and participate in any online community building activities from the race or challenge directors. While it is no comparison for the experience of race day, it will help you feel less isolated!

Re-creating a race-day experience

Ask a friend, family member, coach, or run buddy to cheer you on and keep you accountable to your goal! Maybe live-stream your final mile, have a glass of your favorite beverage waiting at the finish line or order delivery for your post-race meal. Do something to mark the special moment and relish in your accomplishment.
