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Man pictured with the words quad, hamstring, calf, and air squats.

Knee Stretching Made Easy


The Problem with Knee Pain

Knee pain or discomfort can make everyday life miserable and staying active nearly impossible. The knee is surrounded by some major muscle groups that can sometimes be the cause of your pain. This is why it is important to stretch out the quad, hamstring, and calf muscles. Below, you will find some stretches that will help relieve pain and help strengthen the knee.

Quad Stretches

Standing Quad Stretch

Step 1: Place your hand on a wall or solid surface to help with balance while performing the stretch.
Step 2: Bend your leg behind you and use your other hand to hold the foot of the leg that is being stretched.
Step 3: Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds and then repeat with the opposite leg.
Step 4: Repeat this stretch 2 more times on both legs.

Man stretching leg

Kneeling Quad Stretch

Step 1: Place a pillow on the ground to ensure proper knee support.
Step 2: Put the knee that you are stretching on the pillow and place the opposite leg out in front of your body for balance.
Step 3: Pull your foot of the knee that you are stretching towards your back and hold for 20-30 seconds.
Step 4: Switch to the other leg and repeat
Step 5: Repeat this stretch 2 more times on both legs.

Man stretching leg on pillow

Hamstring Stretches

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Step 1: Lift the leg that you are stretching and place it on a table.
Step 2: Keep your back and knee strait while leaning towards that leg.
Step 3: Hold for 20-30 seconds and then switch to the opposite leg.
Step 4: Repeat this stretch 2 more times on both legs.

Standing hamstring stretch

Sitting Hamstring Stretch

Step 1: Sit on the floor and cross one leg towards your body. The other leg will be extended straight out.
Step2: While keeping your back and your knee straight, slightly lean towards the extended foot.
Step 3: Hold this stretch for 15-20 seconds and repeat with the opposite leg.
Step 4: Repeat this stretch 2 more times on both legs.

A man performing sitting hamstring stretch

Calf Stretch

Standing Calf Stretch

Step 1: Extend both hands out in front of your body and place them on a wall or a solid surface.
Step 2: Place the leg that you are not stretching out in front of you with the knee bent.
Step 3: The leg that you are stretching should be behind the body and the knee should be strait.
Step 4: lean towards the wall until you feel a slight stretch in the calf muscle and then hold for 20-30 seconds.
Step 5: Once you are done make sure to switch to the opposite leg.
Step 6: Repeat this stretch 2 more times on both legs.

Man standing using wall to stretch calf

Ground Calf Stretch

Step 1: Get in a push up position using your hands to support your weight.
Step 2: Cross the foot that is not being stretched over the one that is being stretched.
Step 3: Push the heel towards the ground of the foot that is being stretched. The opposite foot can help make sure that the heel stays connected to the ground. As the foot gets closer to the ground you should feel the stretch increase.
Step 4: Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and then switch to the opposite leg.
Step 5: Repeat this for 2 more times.

Man doing calf stretch using floor

Knee Strength Finisher

Bodyweight squats

Step 1: Place your hands together and hold them close to your body.

Step 2: Place your feet so that they are shoulder width.
Step 3: Begin to squat by keeping your back strait and your knees back. Act as if you are about to sit in a chair.
Step 4: Perform 10-15 controlled repetitions.
Step 5: Rest for 30 seconds to a 1 minute
Step 6: Repeat this for 2 more times.

Man Performing a Squat


Knee health is important as you use your knees everyday all day. If you are currently experiencing knee pain or you want to avoid knee pain in the future these stretches will help. The reason that you should stretch out your quad, hamstring, and calf muscles is because they can sometimes be connected to the pain. While those stretches will help relieve some of the pain in the knee, a strengthening exercise is required. Bodyweight squats are great for this, as they put little to no pressure on the knee and they help improve mobility.



