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person running on muddy ground

The OS1st Virtual Running Challenge


Before we get into the details, it is important for us to say that social isolation and quarantine are not to be taken lightly. We expect all participants to put the safety of the community first.

For official information and resources please use the following links:

Additionally, OS1st is not recommending that anyone take steps to endanger their health or the health of others. Please exercise caution when participating in the challenge. When in doubt, stay at home!

About the challenge 

In these trying times, OS1st wants to virtually unite runners who are still safely running, on their own, outdoors or at home, through a virtual running challenge.

This virtual challenge will support the running community, including local businesses affected by the novel coronavirus. 


Runners should complete a 5, 10, or 15K run on their own, and track their activity using the OS1st Club on the Strava app, which can be downloaded on most smart phones. This app can track runs outside or indoors by using the GPS on your mobile phone or most popular brands of wearable GPS technology. 

By logging at least one of your outdoor or at home solo runs in an OS1st Strava club event, you will be entered to win one of ten prize packs!  


These events are to be completed individually. The morning and afternoon virtual "events" are scheduled each day of the week, and are open to anyone. However, to be included in the challenge, participants must create a Strava account and join the OS1st Strava club. This will allow OS1st to track participation in the virtual challenge. 

About the prizes

Any runner who participates will be entered into a drawing for one of ten prize packs.

Each prize pack includes a $100 gift card to the winner's local OS1st retailer and $250 worth of OS1st gear.

Participants can earn multiple entires into the drawing. 

Complete your own 5K – 1 entry

Complete your own 10K – 2 entries

Complete your own 15K – 3 entries

Runners can also gain one bonus entry by sharing a photo of them completing their solo challenge run on Facebook or Instagram. The post must include the runner's Strava name, tag @OS1st, and use #OS1stChallenge.

Winners will be chosen at random and contacted via Strava on March 30. The winners will be announced to the public March 31 on the OS1st Strava club page, Facebook, and Instagram.


Notes for Participation


  • Runs should be completed alone and done outside OR on personal, at home workout equipment. No activity should preclude social isolation, quarantine, lock-down, and shelter-in-place advisories.
  • Runners WILL NOT run in crowded areas, in areas with at-risk or immune-compromised populations, or at a close distance of other runners.
  • Participants should self-monitor their temperature and health and follow all local, state, and federal government guidelines for those exhibiting symptoms.


  • Participants must be a member of the OS1st Strava club.
  • Participants should mark themselves as "I'm in" on the events they plan to complete for entry into the drawing
  • If at any point in time this challenge is found to be adversary to public health interests, OS1st maintains the right to cancel, postpone, or end the virtual challenge early.

As situations change rapidly, we are asking every runner to do AT LEAST these three things before leaving your home for an outdoor run:

  1. Check the CDC website, your state health department's website, and your local government website and/or resources.
  2. Take your temperature.
  3. Do the Five - wash your hands often, cough into your elbow, don't touch your face, stay more than 6 feet apart, and stay home when possible